Wednesday 29 June 2011

Seven Tips Of Relationship Building

Every day we meet and interact with hundreds of people but we do not treat these occasions as a means of relation building that will eventually lead to a foundation of our success.
You must understand that all successful outcomes are created by and through interaction with others. A strong relationship has been proved to create loyalty, partnerships and even better team work.
It is critical to remember that quality relationships are related directly to the amount of time invested in it. It is of paramount importance to give of your best time to your relationship building.

In this time and age of technology and busy schedules, relationship building has lost its value. If you can recall from your early childhood, most of you did not learn how to build relationships with others. Those who practice it now may have picked it from observing the role models rather than learning it from their conscious mind.

If you are one of those who missed that opportunity and would like to improve your relationship skills at home, work and in your business, then the following tips will definitely help you.

  • Be real and unique
  • Become interested in others
  • Showing empathy and understanding
  • Be a good listener
  • Be a good "Samaritan"
  • Maintain honesty and integrity
  • Keep time

The way we interact with people can either build or destroy our relationships. If you focus on getting results over relationship building, you will not succeed over a long period of time because you do not value the importance of building relationships.

On the other hand, if you use the relationship interaction technique in your process of achieving the desired results, then you are placing the importance of how people should be treated, rather than focusing on results.

It is important that we should take time to focus on how we treat people in our efforts to get results. Taking little time to get interested in other people and show the value we have for them can build our future success. The above mentioned seven points are explained in detail in my document The Seven Tips of Relationship Building do read it and make sure that you have a strong relationship. All the best.

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