Friday, 17 June 2011

The Mistakes Men Make During Dating

Dating is a crazy business. It often involves putting oneself in the awkward position of having to make meaningful and engaging conversation with a virtual stranger while trying to assess if future encounters will be emotionally/physically/spiritually satisfying on any level. And you usually have to do this over dinner or drinks while trying desperately not to say something totally embarrassing or spray your date in the eye with lemon juice meant for your salmon, ice tea or Corona. 

Of course you know the things you try to avoid to keep a date running smoothly (and impress a guy, if indeed, you have any interest). But how about the gaffes, blunders, and faux pas that men make on dates (while optimistically imaging themselves in your naked embrace)? The following is a list of ten dating mistakes men make that quickly send your hope of a possible ongoing relationship into the crapper (Sadly, you'll probably recognize more than a few of these from past dates-gone-wrong).

  • Trying to move things along too quickly
  • Not making definite plans or having a specific idea where he wants to go on a date
  • Talking about his exes
  • Offering to split the bill
  • Treating wait-staff poorly
  • Being a know-it-all
  • Not listening
  • Insisting on discussing topics not of interest to his date
  • Being a "yes" man
  • Regaling his date with stories of his wild past

    The above is by no means a comprehensive list. There are virtually hundreds of things a man can inadvertently do to alienate his date. Refer 10 Stupid Dating Mistakes Men Make to get a detailed explanation of the points mentioned above and understand in detail the mistakes made by men during dates . Thanks

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